
Myopic Musings - I

Its been a while since I've taken time to put down my myopic musings in words, hence this. Also I've decided to start a series and hence this is titled as it is.

Its been an awesome weekend. I've watched 2 movies (apparently) and ate loads of food. Two experiences that I'd most definitely want to put in words...

The weekend literally began on a high note and a couple of friends and me headed off to MTR, for breakfast. Breakfast at MTR is always a pleasure. Though extremely high on calorific value (I state this only to reiterate certain facts to myself), the masala dosa's there are one of its kind. As I write these very words I can almost feel the food melting in my mouth. The more I type on this, the more I think of the food. The more I think, the more I am pulled down by my own growing internal mass. This is getting a be major force almost competing on the gravitational scale. That's part of the reason for the sedentary life style. You see, its a vicious circle, the sedentary life style causes the mass; and over a finite period of time, the mass itself is the cause of the sedentary life style. A simple cause-effect-cause case...

Anyways, I bother little about the growing horizon that some call the curve of prosperity, hence I decided to indulge further in the race of gluttony. Hence I headed to this restaurant called Khandani Rajdhani, a Rajasthani style restaurant. Well, its a place you need to go, but go there after a fast to make most of the unlimited menu.

The key to eating here is to take no breaks. Just go on an all out assault on the food. Why? The minute you take a break, your brain that up until then hibernating, would make a fairly quick assessment of what has breached the barrier of your lips and virtually lead you to cover your mouth in utter dismay (In some cases, the virtual is real). This utilizes a bit of the appetite. Its almost like how a computer works, just keep churning the data. Stop start, you might just crash. Its one of those places where you can eat until beads of sweat appear on your forehead. And when that happens, its time to stop, gradually though. It makes you wonder if you can add another dimension and bloat up to be a 4-dimensional object. It even makes you ponder over whether the you got bigger or the table as its starts to come in contact with your expanding body. It was an awesome meal (comprising of a substantial number of rotis and pooris, with 5 different side dishes, punctuated by sweets, samosas and completed with buttermilk) that went down in matter of a mere 20 minutes. You see my point on not taking a break?

The end to the weekend would have been perfect with a movie. Unfortunately, that wasn't meant to be. Yet I did manage to watch 3 Idiots, today. An awesome entertainer, hilarious all through with a perfect blend of drama, suspense, humor and fairly good music (Being a rahman fan, its difficult to accept anything un-Rahman). A movie on a Monday, a weekend that could have pushed me from fat to almost obese - a great start in the new year. With nothing great apart from the redundant work at office, interrupted with subtly absurd realities of management and all related gyan, I have only three words to say - All is well!!!

P.S. I didn't have the patience to come up with a title, hence found it simpler to cook up the idea of a series.