
Total Recall

The last time I read something about the Indian Constitution was in Civics class(actually just before the exam) in school. A few years ago, I came across this thing called 49-O in the Indian constitution that allowed the constituency to "Vote for none of the above". I was unaware of this and found out during the recent elections in Karnataka that there were a lot of people sans this knowledge.

So, is this about 49-O? Nah, thats kinda stale now(to me at least). This one is about the "Right to recall". There is a facility in the Indian Constitution to vote out the elected candidate. This seems like its more out of an episode of MTV Roadies!

the right to recall the elected representatives was exercised by the electorate of 3 urban bodies in Chattisgarh. Naturally the process involves voting and the options presented to the voters are simply 2 symbols- chairs, two of them, one occupied and the other empty. The symbols are analogous to the expectations. The campaigning in these elections is different too. The elected candidate awaiting a vote out tries to woo voters yet again while the opposition as usual opposes.

But theres a catch. Like a mutual fund's lock in period, the governing body should have completed at least 2 years and more than 3/4th of the elected representatives should demand the recall in writing.

Interesting, though its not a practical option at the highest level of democracy. I would say that the people right at the top of the democratic chain are pretty good. Just the implementation sucks big time. But this can be the solution to really "sort out" and "weed out" the crap at the grass root level. Besides, at the highest level its politics and thats the way it works and should.

Read the article at http://www.indianexpress.com/story/323224.html

The Solitary Loon

The long and winding road. Its twilight and its getting darker, but I see the shimmering light ahead. The grass is green, I see no blemish. Is there no blemish or is it just too dark to notice the subtle mistakes in the path. I see nothing, so I see no hurdle or obstacle. As I wander along this path, I wonder if its been trodden upon before.

The breeze is cool as it hits my neck. Its so lonely out here that the breeze sends a shiver down my spine. Maybe its the cold that adds to the loneliness that causes the shiver as I meander down the path like a solitary loon...

Have I chosen the path or has the path chosen me? I had the chance to take the lantern, but my strength and foolhardiness told me to follow the shimmering lights. The sidewalk is filled with leaves that fill the emptiness. The rusty sound of the leaves is music to my ears as its the only movement around...

I was so engrossed in the path and the shimmering light ahead that I had not noticed the small yet so bright lights in the forest around. I first noticed them when I had gone deep in the winding path. But these were insignificant, my destination was the light ahead. Though I did not know what the light ahead was, something inside my told me it was the light of glory. I loved the idea. I knew that nobody had been there, I would be the first.

I hear the voices that I long to hear. But then I'm all by myself, I could not be hearing voices. The void in my ears are filled only by nature. Am I losing my sanity? Its all a figment of my imagination as my life flashes before me. It could have been different, so different, yet I chose to be me. I had heard these voices before. Should I stop? Not needed, I told myself. I could comeback later. The candles that were the small source of light were speaking. My mind was playing tricks. Were the people I knew or the ones I thought I knew there in the woods? Impossible. I was ahead, way ahead, I was winning. The candles will always be there, I was going to be a torch bearer. Besides, I could always light enough candles once I get the torch. It was only a matter of time.

Though it was twilight, and getting darker by the minute, there was some light from the small candles. I didn't need them. My eyes were accustomed to the dark. I had the confidence to walk the path with no help.

The path was getting narrow, yet bright. The shimmering light was getting a clear outline. It was higher than I thought. I could see the ocean on the other side. As I came closer, I saw it. It was a lighthouse, not the torch of glory. Yet I could make my fortune. I had it in me. I completed the climb of the terrain. I was far away from the voices, far away from the candles. My ears were now resonating with the sound of the waves. This was it. Only a door away from glory....

I wanted to savor this moment. I wished it would last forever. The perseverance and sacrifice were finally paying off. The door opened.... It was closed, yet opened. The room was ablaze. I could not keep my eyes open. I was so used to being in the dark that my eyes could not face the light. It took me several hours. My mind raced on contemplating the source of light. When I was finally able to see, I noticed, that there was no source in the room. There was a mirror, reflecting and magnifying the light. I was unable to find the source of light. Yet the light from my mirror shone bright all over. I could bask in this glory.

Several years passed. I had still not found the source of light. I had not gone back to the voices. It was just me and myself. The light unnoticed had begun to fade. As I was so enticed in the glory, I did not notice this until one day, when I saw the forest brighter than the room. I walked the path again. I saw my footprints in the path. I wondered why no one took the path. As I traced the path back to where I began, I noticed the candles were dying. Several were just stumps of wax. I went close to candle that was still burning. The candle looked so familiar. It then struck me that, the source of light were these candles all this time...

Time, the ultimate seduction. It flatters to deceive. The path tells me that its never been walked upon. The path shows me the desire but its merely a mirage, its there but not there. If I had the chance, I would surely try to fill the emptiness around me before it totally engulfs me...
The future is speeding at me and the past galloping away as I toil to grab the past and hold the future. I wish it would all just stop and go backwards so that I could walk the path yet again...



The recent increase in reservation for the “Christian Minority” at St. Stephens prompted me to write this. I do not hold anything against any religious group.

I studied in a Jesuit institution, St.Josephs and hold them in highest regard as they are great benefit to society at large. I do not deny that there was reservation for Catholics at St.Josephs. But I’m guessing I did not feel affected by this while I was there, because and only because I was one of the lucky ones that got selected in the institute despite the quota.

This is no longer about any community reserving seats in institution for members of their community. The TA Pai Institute in 2002 got a Supreme Court ruling in their favor for the same. Therefore, legally, St. Stephens has all authority to implement the reservation.

Its been hardly a few months since the Supreme Court, which came as a shock to several students and even more anxious parents implemented the idea of the Mr.Arjun Singh, the messiah of the “socially backward” – Reservations for OBC candidates. The implementation of the “extra” quota in St. Stephens has rubbed salt into the wounds of the tiring warriors.

Can we do without reservations? The answer is obvious. NO! India despite its long, glorious heritage has certain flaws. I don’t intend to say that other cultures are flawless. For, the reason that our culture has been different from others, we cannot do without reservations. Historically, education was limited to “Brahmins”. This has been implanted so deeply in our culture that even today when we see a successful intelligent person, we hear “Oh! That guy, he’s so brilliant because he’s a Brahmin”. To me that’s baloney. We are all born equally intelligent or may be even equally stupid. What we become depends on circumstances, environment, education and all of these cascading on a single platform in the name of opportunities.

India according to sources still has almost 6,00,000 villages. In several of these villages, where the current “Education system” has not really impregnated, the caste system and system of unfair equality still persists. Until, this has been done away with we cannot eradicate the current system of reservation. Yet, however noble the intentions of Mr.Arjun Singh were, few can deny that it was a simple act for political mileage. Mileage reminds of the one liner, Reservations are like petrol prices, it generally goes only upwards. It takes an enormous amount of effort and will power to get it down. Few of the forthcoming governments will have the guts to repeal the reservation.

So what’s the solution? The first step to solving any problem is to accept the existence of a problem and then attack it at its root. The root of this problem lies mainly in our villages and primary education. The reservation does not have the desired effect only because of the lack of empowerment of the person really deserving the reservations. What is needed is strengthening of the primary education system in order to help the socially backward compete with economically forward. The irony of the current system is that a majority of the socially backward benefiting from the system are also economically forward. I may sound cynical, but the bitter truth is that the so called system of excluding “the creamy layer” is unreal. I see no solution to this in the short term. Even in the long term, our Prima Donna politicians offer no solution. It is very disheartening that not a single member ruling or opposition has or even claims to have a vision to solve the problem at its root.

But there is some light at the end of the tunnel and it’s the head light of the train of globalization. Globalization has driven NGO’s and several private companies in the field of CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility. Depending on politics and the democratic system to make a difference at the grass root level would not be prudent and almost stupid. The Public-Private enterprise is the way forward. It’s not a quick fix, but it’s the best solution in the long run considering that India will have 500 million persons in the age group of 9-22 in by 2020. No denying the fact that several of the CSR programs. Yet, society at large will stand to benefit. So who cares? I don’t.

So all you wannabe graduates and post graduates out there (I’m one of them), there’s no solution, not even a remote chance of a solution in the near future. So, pray and hope for opportunities or settle for the next best option. We are the sacrifice, only hoping that generations to come will benefit. Though we may not live to see the difference, our small actions can make a difference. So hope and pray, and of course slog your bottom off to beat the “competition”!

The British followed a policy of Divide and Rule. No love lost, yet an ‘l’ was lost as our government implements a policy of Divide and Rue.



Reality is the noun that according to the dictionary means the state or quality of being real or resemblance to what is real. To me its the stupid neighborhood dog that barks too often and bites at every damn opportunity...

What is reality? Facts? Evidence of something being real?
Then what is real. If I can see it, if i can feel it, it is real. But the human brain depends only on electrical impulses. So its possible that something may not be real, yet is perceived by the brain as real.

Ever heard, "Everything is a matter of perception"? That's kinda contradicting reality isn't it?
If everything were a matter of perception, then I would perceive something, people around me would perceive something else. Essentially each one could have a different perception. This brings me to a dilemma. Should perceptions be restricted to matters of the mind. By matters of the mind, I mean opinions, ideas which do not have a physical manifestation. The US war on Iraq, inflation et al evoke emotions and opinions. Here the "perceptions"which are more like emotions and opinions can be different. Essentially you cannot see or physically feel these "perceptions", but you know for sure they are real! But lets take an object say an airplane, would different people perceive this differently?

No way mate!(Always wanted to speak Aussie). How can people see an airplane that was made by humans differently. It doesn't add up right. If the guy who manufactured it can see it, feel it ti must be real. If the pilot flying it can see it, feel it and most importantly fly it, it must be real! If it can carry 300 people it must be real...

Colors, everywhere. Animals apparently have a Black & white life. Wonder who and how they figured that!!!!
They are color blind. Yet, the movies have the bull chasing red. The Spanish matadors wave red to the bull. Are we any different from the animals? I think not.

A hypothetical situation. A certain person was born and schooled in a different way, say. In complete isolation. The person has been taught to identify colors, but not the way we do. He has been taught that blue is red, red is yellow, green is blue and so on. He can see the colors but identifies them differently. He "sees" red, yet "perceives" it as yellow!

Everything around us is real(I hope!), yet it is all a matter of perception. So what is real and unreal. I guess for now, I'll settle for everything being Surreal....


Where’s the Q?

The British apart from ruining a lot in India while they ruled us, gave us a lot such as foundation for the largest rail network, landmark architecture and of course the English language. But we seem to be ruining the language itself. Possibly its one way to repay them for ruining our land by ruining their language! We’ve pretty much removed the Q from our dictionary, not just literally but virtually from our lives.

I’m definitely not referring to spelling “quick” as “cuick” or “cooick”.
Couple of days back, I was wading through the traffic in my car, I had this thought of the Q. The distance I need to cover is a mere 3Kms which took me almost 35 minutes, that’s at under 6Kmph. Amazing isn’t it? I might have just managed to beat a few snails. But thankfully it was only 3Kms so I got the better of the snails!
The reason for the breakneck speed was us modifying the English language. I feel I’m not sarcastic enough at times, may be the mach speeds would be more appropriate! There were two lanes of vehicles, each moving in the opposite direction. But this is modified as three lanes. The middle lane is almost nebulous and can be used for wading in any direction. This lane is put to maximum use by vehicles that move on 2 wheels and of course the monstrous creatures that move on 3 wheels with a horrible horn that can spell doomsday for order. They are the root cause of all the entropy on the roads so much so that you could say “For whom the horn tolls!”
Of late, though you could even add the 4 wheelers as a part of the nebulous zone. Add a few pedestrians to this and its chaos incarnate! But one can’t really blame the pedestrians. I find more shops and highly overactive two wheelers on the footpath. Where can the pedestrian go? Only out of the Q!

Another place was at a food court near where I stay. The Q has been stamped out of our DNA. Although there was a barricade of sorts indicative to customers that they’re supposed to move along the locus of the barricade, it takes a lot more than the obvious to see the flaw. It seems Quirky if a person were not uirky! (Get it? The Q is missing!). I was quirky for a while until I realized.

English is a funny language by itself. We pronounce “put as put and but as but”. Fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing. Now, did you know that???? Remove the Q from it and it gets so crazy that it’s no longer even remotely hilarious.

I’d rather end this on an enigmatic note, not getting too rhetorical about the Q’s…


(Life)/4 crisis!

This is not an original! I had read this elsewhere and thought this had to be a part of my blog. So here goes…

It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.

Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure.

You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you're doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person. One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap. You want to settle down for good because now all of a sudden that becomes top priority. Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic. You begin to think a companion for life is better than a hundred in the shack and for once you would not mind standing tall for that special someone which otherwise you had never thought of until now. You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender! What you may not realize is that every one reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out.

It’s called the "Quarter-life Crisis."

I had read this while I was in college and rubbished it back then. Right now, especially now, I totally connect with it and I’m sure you would as well…